Hour and Rates
Children must be of age by September 1st of the classroom in which they are enrolling.

- 5% discount will be offered for each additional child in the same family.
- Students enrolling after the first day of school will be charged a prorated tuition rate.
- Monthly Payments NOT set up on Auto-Pay will have an additional $25.00 monthly fee.
- A charge will be assessed for late pick-ups $1.00 per minute
- There is no late stay on Fridays past 3:30 p.m.
- Our tuition charges are calculated on an annual basis, vacations and holidays have been factored into the tuition. There will be no tuition adjustments for absences, family vacations, holidays, including high holy days, December and Passover or school closures.
- If a student does not complete the entire school year, tuition must be paid in full for the month the student withdraws. A 30-day written notice must be given to the Director in the Preschool Office.
- * Pre-K Requires 5 days 9a to 3:30p